"Sarah Smiles"
"Sarah Smiles" is an original solo comedy piece written by and starring Partly Cloudy People founder Sarah Nedwek. The comedy was selected to The PIT'S SOLOCOM 2015 and played to a sold out house. In SARAH SMILES, we meet Sarah Johnson, who is hit in the face with a donkey piñata at her 6th birthday. The early ass encounter leaves her unable to smile and misunderstood by society. We follow her search for a smile and with the help of Hall & Oates, a magical Tootsie Roll and some unexpected empahty, she does. :) Nedwek's credits include Vanda in Venus in Fur at the Repertory Theatre of St.Louis for which she won Broadway World's Best Actress in a Drama and Dolores in Dolores directed by Timothy Koch (Broadway's Cripple of Irishman). The debut performance raised money and awareness for SmileTrain, an organization that provides free cleft palate surgery to children around the world. The next performance on April 2 will raise funds for Partly Cloudy People's next devised piece on unplanned pregnancy. Tickets available HERE.